These Bostons have found Forever Families through BTRWW before 2004
Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington places all rescue Boston Terriers through Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. Please see our Adoption page to see how to adopt a Boston Terrier.
![]() SAMPSON - what a guy! The previous owners of this 2 year old said Sam was a biter and their solution was to keep him in a room all by himself for a few months, before giving him to us. We kept this great gift whose sole purpose in life is to sing to us and chase squirrels (not necessarily in that order). Sam has a cleft lip and palate and had to have surgery for ingrown eyelashes. The rules may preclude adopting out a dog that bites but nothing prohibited us from keeping him, so we did, about 3 years ago.
![]() SIMON was picked up as a stray and had contracted PARVO. The Puyallup shelter turned him over to the East Main Animal Hospital in Puyallup who cured him, neutered and gave him his shots. (They never charged a cent.) Simon is an active 9 month old (one of the youngest we've had) whom we placed in a loving home with a couple who showers him with love.
![]() "BEAN", was a 3 ½ year old neutered male who had been severely abused. He did not like cats, other dogs or children. We placed him with a, single, older lady. After 6 months he was doing great. He is now much more secure and has learned to tolerate other dogs, cats and kids.
![]() CLANCY is a one of a kind, special, Boston in that he's nearly perfect in every way that a pet of this breed should be. We received him from a lady who was too ill to take care of him. Clancy was 2 years old and weighed about 12 pounds. When we adopted him out we had no idea that the young lady that was to be his new mom was so enthralled with Clancy that she joined the ranks of the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue group as a "co-rep" for Boston Terriers.
![]() SUGAR" is a very nice 4 ½ year old female whose owner was moving to a retirement complex and could not take Sugar with her. We adopted her out to a great Mother and Daughter who had given up a Boston two years earlier, due to a divorce and now found a way to fill that vacancy they have been feeling.
![]() SPIKE - a 14 year old male that someone got tired of and gave to the shelter. Spike was our first rescue. He was totally gray, blind and deaf. He learned to navigate around our home and yard within 2 days. When the other dogs sounded their perceived intruder alert or when "dad" came home from work, he seemed to sense the activity and went right along with them (sometimes running into the furniture along the way). Spike lived a happy, loving, life for the next 6 months when he died of congestive heart failure. He didn't die alone and for that we are thankful. A month later he (we like to believe) sent us our Sampson, the only other male dog in our lives.
![]() MATTIE was a beautiful 2-year-old Boston. We had her spayed and given her shots. Unfortunately, at times, she was extremely aggressive towards other dogs and people. Out of the blue she attacked one of our dogs and bit a human to the point that stitches were necessary. After consulting with our vet, who thought that she may have had a brain tumor or came from a situation where she had been very traumatized, we had her euthanized. Though it is sometimes unfortunate, we agree with the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue rules prohibiting adopting animals that have a history of biting (but she was sure a beauty).
![]() MYSTY - The previous owner turned her in because of a lifestyle change. She was 4 years old and weighed about 25 pounds. She had not been spayed nor had she had her shots. Mysty was very fearful of everything; when you reached for her she'd roll over on her back and urinated, involuntarily. After spaying, having her shots and working with her for a couple of weeks we adopted her out and she now has a wonderful new Mom & Dad.
![]() TINY is what we named her. She is, by far, the smallest Boston we have ever rescued (8 pounds) and the vet said she was 11 ½ years old. She came to us from the Puyallup Shelter. She had been picked up on the streets of Sumner. She was absolutely filthy; her nails were so long they were curving under the pads of her feet. It is extremely difficult to find an adopter for a dog this old but we did find an elderly women that wanted a lap dog. A happy ending!
![]() ZOE was from a loving mom in Seattle who was ill and no longer able to care for Zoe. One of the sweetest Boston's to pass through our lives; she is mostly white and about 14 pounds. We kept her for a few days longer than usual because the family we picked out was on vacation. The whole family (about ten of them) arrived at our home to look at Zoë. It was love at first site and Zoe has now gone from a one-person home to multiple people and is doing just great.
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