These Bostons have found Forever Families in 2010 through BTRWW
Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington places all rescue Boston Terriers through Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. Please see our Adoption page to see how to adopt a Boston Terrier.
![]() Sweet Pea is a petite 4 year old Boston. She was purchased for breeding, but that didn't work out for Sweet Pea. The breeder decided that it would be best for Sweet Pea to go to rescue. So Sweet Pea was placed with a retired woman who loves painting dogs. What can I say about Sweet Pea, my one eyed beauty? I knew the minute I held her in my arms that I had to have her. I love the way she watches me out of her one eye so I don't get too far away. She has two beds, but sleeps on the sofa at night. As soon as I get up in the morning she jumps onto my pillow and curls up until breakfast is ready. As soon as she eats, it is out for her morning walk, which she loves. Then it's time for play and I throw her toys for her to fetch. Car rides are her favorite and she sits very still when the car is moving. Even at 4 years old she has learned "sit" and "wait" and is now learning to come when called. House training was a breeze! Please, anyone that needs a best friend, adopt from a rescue group or shelter. These dogs really appreciate your love. I don't know what I would do without my Sweet Pea. Thanks for letting me adopt her. Mariam ![]() Mistyis a four year old, 20 pound, spayed Boston. She was surrendered by an elderly gentleman who moved from his home to an apartment. Misty didn't adjust to apartment living and he felt it would be best if she had a home with a yard to play in. Misty came to live with us in Jan. 2010. She is the sweetest little dog and such a lady. She loves playing with her squeaky balls, really loves to cuddle, and is a good bed partner on a cold night. She is the perfect dog for us and we couldn't be happier that we got her. We did not realize when we got her that she had a medical problem. Our vet told us she had a "screw tail" which was causing her problems. He tried to treat it, but it didn't work. He recommended surgery and sent us to a surgeon. She has surgery and is now a happy and healthy dog. It was very expensive, but we felt it wasn't right for her to of through life in pain. A dog is like a child, you have to take care of any medical problems they have. Thank you, Vicki, for bringing Misty to us!! Glenn and Pauline Twitchell ![]() Busteris a young male Boston that was found as a stray in Tacoma, WA. We had our heart set on bringing a Boston Terrier into our family. In our search, we came across Buster and fell in love. From the moment we met him he was a gentle, smart and loving dog. Being that he's about 5 or 6 years old, he has defied the idea of 'an old dog can't learn new tricks'. When we got him, he knew how to sit, stay, lay down and give hand shakes. Since we've had him, he's learned how to speak, crawl, play dead, and roll over. We've added to his name: Philip Buster Howlington III ;). Despite Buster's bad knees, he is still full of energy and able to keep up with his doggie friends. His favorite things to do are play fetch, tug of war, and go on car rides (he's very adventurous). It's really hard not to spoil Buster. He lives to make us happy and will snuggle any chance he gets. Even if we leave him at home to run a quick errand, he greets us with such enthusiasm! We are grateful everyday, for his companionship and love. Thank you so much, Vicki and Al, for Buster. He's an amazing little guy, we couldn't have asked for a better dog. ![]() Rockywas a 6 year old neutered Boston when he cam into rescue. He was given away by his owner for a companion dog to an elderly man. The elderly man had no interest in him so, the man's family called rescue. Rocky came to us not long after our last little Boston, Tyge, had passed away. We weren't sure we were ready for another little guy so quickly but, when Vicki sent us the pictures of the little fat guy with his tongue hanging out we couldn't say no. Now, I can't imagine not having him around the house, he is so much a part of the family. Rocky, or Piggy, Pig Pig, or Sir Piggleston as we like to call him sometimes is just about 7 years old. Some of my favorite things he does are how he jumps on the bed and stares at your face until you lift the blanket for him to crawl under or how he likes to take a cookie and then RUN as fast as he can into the other room so he can eat it in private, or how he spins in circles when you ask him if he needs to go outside. He is a great little guy with an enormous personality and I can't imagine my life without him being a part of it. ![]() Maizeyis a 5 year old, 15 pound, spayed female Boston Terrier. Maizey and the family cat had a run in and she received a serious eye injury. She did not loose her eye, but it took several months to heal. Maizey needed a new home without a cat. Maizey's new home was perfect. No cats! She had a fenced yard and a small child to feed her Cheerios. Maizey's favorite things to do are ride in the car and cuddle. ![]() Maggie/STRONG>is an 8 month old spayed Boston. She was surrendered by her family because they were moving and they could not take her with them. So they took her to the shelter. We adopted Maggie in April 2010 after having lost our Boston Terrier named Bella in 2009 to a brain tumor. Maggie is our second rescue Boston and she was only 8-months old when we adopted her. Her boundless energy has brought joy to our home and she has really become a cuddler too. We are still befuddled at how her previous owners could have ever surrendered such a sweet little charmer to the animal shelter. Other than the occasional chewed up shoe, she has been a perfectly behaved little pup. We recently had a large gathering of friends at our house and she did wonderfully, making her way from person to person to greet them with a kiss while her tiny little tail never stopped wagging. She is a great traveler too - she loves car rides and even plane trips. She has been to Georgia twice this year to visit her "grandparents". Every one has fallen in love with her and she gets along beautifully with all the other dogs and children in our family. Maggie has quickly nuzzled her way into our lives and our hearts and she continues to charm everyone she meets! ![]() Lola & Maggie,our 5 year olds, came from a loving family who had to give them up when they moved into a new home that didn't allow dogs. That family's loss was a tremendous gain for our family. We are thoroughly enjoying our "new additions". To say that Maggie loves to chase balls is an understatement. When she wants to play, she finds her favorite ball, drops it near your hand and then looks from you to the ball as if to say, "Hey! The ball is right there! Aren't you going to throw it?" Lola, on the other hand, loves to snuggle. She likes to burrow in her favorite blanket and take a nap. It's quite a surprise to find it on the floor, reach down to pick it, and have it start moving. ![]() JoJo is a 3 1/2 year old neutered male Boston. His family had taken him in from an unsafe situation. It was hoped that he would fit in with their other two Bostons. JoJo didn't fit in. It was my kids that wanted desperately to have a Boston Terrier. My oldest son had suffered a dog bite to his face and was now afraid of dogs. However, on a weekend ski trip, he fell in love with his friend's small dog - a Boston Terrier. After much research on dogs, my husband and I consented. We found JoJo on Petfinders / SPDR/Boston Terrier Rescue. After viewing the available Bostons, we kept coming back to JoJo's bio. It was his story and definitely his floppy ears that set him apart for us. After 1 week of active searching, we brought JoJo into our home the first of May. We have had our ups and downs with JoJo to be sure. I must say, I was used to having a dog that I had personally raised and trained from puppy hood. What JoJo has taught me though, is tolerance, love and the art of imperfection. With training and lots of patience, JoJo has come a long way. He has learned how to fit into our lives and I am still learning about what makes him tick (food, warm blankets, play and chew sticks). JoJo is such an easy going dog (except on occasion when he resorts to old marking behaviors - I'm still trying to unravel the whys of this). He loves sleeping by our fireplace, playing with the kids, snuggling under warm blankets, chewing on his chew sticks and playing with our neighbor's dog. Oh, and did I mention his constant love of food? (Despite himself, he has dropped 3 lbs.) We include JoJo on most of our activities - some of which he is beginning to like (hiking) and some which stretch him such as water activities. JoJo hiked the entire distance up and down Mt. Si on his own volition (my husband saw other Bostons being carried) and tolerated riding on my lap intertubing down the Wenatchee River last summer! So, as you can see, with lots of give and take, patience and understanding, both we and JoJo are finding common ground and learning to live with and love one another just as we are. ![]() Peanut Hi, my name is Peanut. I was rescued by Gerri and Glenn Wilson at the SPDR/Boston Terrier Rescue. I was rescued from a family who was moving out of state and unable to move me with them. The Wilson's cared for me. I'm one of 24 rescued dogs place into new homes. One day my new "Dog Dad, Dave", came to see me. I was excited, trying to be on my best behavior, and being cute too. It worked! I now have a nice home to live in and a fun family! I like going on car rides to the beach, the mountains, daily walks, my own toys and dog school too! I enjoy my best friends' company everyday, Jake, a Flat-coated Retriever, and Maude, a rescued Boston Terrier (Rescued by Nancy Felt, a member of BTCWW a few years ago.) I love playing with my friends and especially chasing balls! Thanks for giving me a great home with my new family that loves me! See ya around, Peanut. ![]() Dudley is a 2 year old, neutered Boston/Frenchie mix. He weighs in at 20 pounds. He was found as a stray on a very busy road in south King County. Dudley is affectionate and will do anything for a treat. He now lives with a couple in Seattle. He has two dog friends and two cat friends. He is one happy dog! ![]() Mr. Bean was an 8 year old Boston that weighed 19 pounds. He was surrendered to rescue because his owner was moving and could no longer keep him. When he came into rescue he had very little hair and he couldn't seem to get enough water or food to eat. He also seemed to spend long periods of time standing in one place and staring. When we took Beanie into the vet he was diagnosed with an advanced case of Cushing's disease. We started him on the treatment for Cushing's and his symptoms became tolerable. The standing and staring didn't go away. Beanie was a very sweet and affectionate boy. He loved to play fetch with squeaky toys or balls. He enjoyed going for walks and was a very mellow little guy. He only had one small issue. He was very aggressive toward cats and other small fluffy animals. After four months of treatment Beanie's hair returned and he seemed more relaxed and would not inhale his food. However, in his eighth month with us his standing and staring were diagnosed as seizures. They were closer together and had become grand maul seizures. They were coming every day and sometimes more than one. Sadly, we lost our Beanie in June, 2010. He is missed! Vicki & Al ![]() Buckley is a 7 year old, neutered, 26 pound Boston. He was surrendered because a family member has severe allergies to him. Buckley has quite an interesting background. He was selected from a shelter in CA and trained as a hearing dog for the deaf. He was a hearing service dog for five years and then he was retired. Buckley is now living with a fellow retiree in Port Angeles. He has been reinstated as a service dog and helps his owner to interact with the community outside his home. They go everywhere together. He is affectionate and loves to give kisses. He is a very active and playful boy. When he first moved to Port Angeles he was quite intrigued by the deer, birds, and bunnies that came through the yard. His favorite things to do are to run and jump in the yard and to lie in the sun. Buckley is a wonderful companion. Thank you! ![]() Eames is an 8 or 9 year old, neutered, 25 pound Boston. His family just dropped him off at the shelter. Thankfully the shelter called rescue. He is mellow, not much of a barker, he loves to play tug-a-war, and lie in the sun. Eames now lives in a high rise apartment in Ballard. ![]() Bentley, a small, 7 year old, was surrendered because elderly parents were moving into his home. The elderly mother was very allergic to Bentley. So, the very difficult decision was made to find Bentley a new home. Having mourned the loss of our 17 year old Boston Terrier pet and family member for almost a year, my husband and I decided it was time to open our home and hearts to another "rescue Boston". Contacting the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue via the internet and filling out all the forms, we prepared ourselves for a long wait. Surprisingly, we were contacted immediately and informed that there were several Bostons available. Scheduling an appointment the next day, we were thrilled to have found our little man. He was a small, ten pound, seven year old male with unknown allergies that went by the name of "Joey". He looked so sad, insecure and awfully thin. With a lot of love, and caring he has found a new home, and a family which adores him. He has mended our hearts and spirits - as we have mended his. He has a new name of "Bentley" which matches his personality perfectly. He has blossomed and developed quite a little personality. He now smiles, talks a lot and loves romping around his 2˝ acre playground. Bentley is playful, smart and witty…with enough sassiness to keep us in stitches constantly. His allergies are now under control, and he has managed to gain some much needed weight. Bentley is one contented and loved puppy and it seems to suit him (and us) just fine. We are a happy and complete family once again. Thank You for the work and kindness that you provide these misplaced animals. Without people such as yourselves - they would be unable to find good and caring homes and people to love - and families to love them in return. Sincerely, Debbie, Jerry and Bentley Sibert ![]() Romeo We lost our beloved Boston Terrier, "Chelsie" of 15 years (due to old age!) last Christmas, and my children said they "never" wanted another Boston. They had grown up with her and nothing would replace her in our hearts. So, as much as I wanted another Boston, I respected their wishes. However, last summer they decided that they were "ready for another dog" and asked if we could look for another Boston Terrier. We were going through a really rough time in other parts of our life right then - their Dad had filed for divorce and wasn't contacting them. I had had to fight with him, the bank, and the courts to keep my home from foreclosure... I wasn't sure I was ready for a dog, and knew we couldn't afford a purebred anything. I wasn't a fan of buying a dog anyway. Then, by chance, I saw mention of the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. I am a huge advocate for people shelters and rescue dogs whenever possible. So, I went ahead and sent in an application. The website mentioned we might have to wait a long time, depending on the criteria and how specific we were about the breed we wanted. I figured since we wanted a young dog, and only a Boston Terrier, it could be a very long wait. I warned my kids NOT to get their hopes up though. Imagine our surprise and delight when, within a week, the nice people called with a young Boston Terrier and would we like to come meet him? Of course, it was love at first sight, and our little guy came home to live with us in just a few days. We named him "Romeo" because he has a perfect heart-shaped spot on his chest. And because he's such a little love-bug. He fits in with our household SO wonderfully. We couldn't have asked for a better "match". His personality is completely different from our previous Boston, and that's perfectly OK. He loves to sleep under the covers in my 11 year old daughter's bed. When it's getting close to bedtime, he runs and hides in her bed, sometimes we can't find him, he's buried so deep!! When my daughter had her tonsils out, just a WEEK after we got Romeo, he seemed to know she wasn't feeling well. H he came into her room and slept beside her ALL day and all night while she recovered, keeping a paw on her arm all the time to make sure she was there. If she got up, he followed her like a shadow. He seemed to know when she was feeling better, as he got more lively and brought toys for her to throw for him. My oldest daughter took Romeo to a doggy obedience class and they had a great time, graduating with "honors"! OK, he still isn't fond of walking on the leash, and would rather lay down whenever we clip it on him, but we're working on that too! Romeo is a sweet, quiet, timid little guy for the most part and needs lots of reassurance. I think we've heard him bark only once or twice, but if a stranger comes to the door he has a pretty fierce little growl. Loud noises send him cowering onto our laps on the couch. If the girls or I raise our voices (at each other, not him!!), he whines and cries real tears out of his eyes. SOOO sympathetic! He is very cuddly, loving, sweet-tempered, and gentle. He does beg for food, and while we don't encourage it, I DO have three kids in the kitchen fixing after school snacks most days. He always hovers close by, and often manages to find stray nibbles from their "NOT-so-neat" cooking endeavors. He stays in his crate with no problem when we're gone, does his potty business outside, and doesn't chase the cat. He is SO EXCITED when we go on our family traditional Sunday morning outings to Starbucks. The staff knows him now, and he even gets his own little saucer of whipped cream (yes, I know, not the greatest thing for him, but he gets SO excited when we pull into the parking lot. He knows what we're there for!) He adores everyone in the family, isn't overly excited about other adult visitors in the house but LOVES kids, and absolutely LOVES visits from my sister's Fox Terrier that we sometimes dog-sit on weekends. We could NOT ask for a better addition to our family!!! Marti Miller Hall and girls, Maria, Olivia, and Jessika ![]() Sarge is a two year old, neutered Boston. He was traveling with his family to western Washington on a family emergency, when he got out of the yard as the family was getting ready to return to Montana. They called and called and waited as long as they could. Later that week Sarge was picked up as a stray. The shelter contacted the family in Montana. At first they wanted him back. But in the end could not come up with a plan and surrendered him. We are thankful for Sarge. My daughter and I started studying the breeds in earnest in December of 09. We studied books, went to Dog shows, took online tests to best determine the breed that would fit our lifestyle. After narrowing down our choice, we talked with the Boston Terrier Rescue group for some time at the Seattle Dog show. A while later after talking with family (my wife), we placed an application with SPDR/BTR. Then the excruciating wait began. I was finding it hard to model patience behavior for my daughter. We contemplated our second choice (breed). Then we got a call form Vicki. "We have a possible match" they said. "OK" I said. "No, we are sorry the dog has been claimed" they said. "OK". I was heart broken though and finding it hard to answer my daughter's questions. Three weeks later we got another call. "Are you still interested in the dog we called about last time" "Yes", I said (somehow communication between animal control and SPDR/BTR was compromised). The first of August, "Sarge came to us. I met him at the car when he arrived. We walked around the neighborhood a bit. Then I introduced him to my family. He has not left our side since he came to us. HE IS SPOILED ROTTEN as you can see. He LOVES to travel and take walks. He sleeps with my daughter or in our room. With my wife home all day, he has a constant companion. We LOVE him. He is everything we wanted and hoped for . . . a perfect 20# brindle Boston. A package of love and worth every day we had to wait. Thanks SPDR/BTR ![]() Hailey is a five year old, 18 pound, spayed Boston. Her family surrendered her because their son played too rough with her. They wanted better for her. She now lives with a couple in Auburn. Hailey is a typical Boston. She loves attention, to lie in the sun, to go on walks and she snores a lot. Her favorite games are running and jumping and playing fetch. Hailey is a wonderful addition to our family. ![]() Bishop is a seven year old male Boston. He had belonged to a woman who because of medical issues could no longer care or him. He was left outside in a wire crate in the dirt. When he was allowed into the house he was again left in a crate without contact with his family. This must have been very upsetting for him as he is a real people dog. I had just lost a 12 year old Boston to cancer and was not sure how I was going to fill the void. I am so happy that the people at SPDR knew that Bishop would be a good match with Gabby and me. Our personalities match perfectly, I knew going into this that I didn't have the time to train a new puppy, an older, more relaxed dog seemed to be the right way to go. And was I right about that! Bishop came to me housetrained, he knows how to fetch and use a doggie door. Not that I would not have taken the time to train him, it was just nice to move past training and on to playing! Bishop and Gabby have become best friends and are never more than a few feet apart. They enjoy playing tug-o-war and chasing each other around the house and yard. I know he is much happier now that he has found a family that can care for him. He is my shadow, I can't leave the room for more than a minute before he comes looking for me. He is the most devoted dog I have ever had. I am sure that this is in part because he must have felt abandoned and left out in his last situation. I just can't thank SPDR enough for all of the wonderful work that they do. I cannot imagine not having him. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! (and big wet kisses from Bishop). ![]() Beezuzu is a 25 pound, 6 year old, spayed female. She came into rescue because of her owner's medical issues. This very smart and athletic Boston moved to Vancouver, BC, Canada to spend her days with a very exuberant, fun loving woman. It is so hard to only write a couple of paragraphs about my Beezuzu. She is one of those dogs that loves everything and everyone & she just captures your heart. My husband had been hinting at getting a Boston when our old, big dogs passed as he had fond memories of 'Dixie' a little Boston he grew up with. When the time came to get another dog there didn't seem to be any adult dogs locally from breeders or rescue and I wasn't interested going through the puppy years again. I looked a little farther away and found the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue and voila, they had Bostons available. I looked through the listings and found Beezuzu! I sent in my application online and waited for it to be processed, hoping we would be the ones chosen for Beezuzu. Finally our 4 yr old mini dachshund and I traveled down to Washington state to meet Beezuzu, who had turned 6 yrs old a couple of weeks before. Although Beezuzu was listed as not the most 'beautiful' Boston by breed standards, she is a beautiful Boston. She settled in with our family so quickly and easily - only the first day there was a bit of an 'issue' with who was going to be top dog... the mini doxie almost had a pierced ear but still holds the top spot.. for now! About a week after she joined our family, we went to a family BBQ and Zuzu just fit in with all the relatives and their dogs like she had been part of the family for years. She had everyone laughing so hard we were crying when my brother-in-law got the hose out to water the hanging baskets, she was leaping and running trying to catch the water! We went out and bought her a sprinkler just for her to play with, as we don't normally water our lawn. She loves it! Near the end of the summer we were out at a local park that had a kiddie spray pool area. Beezuzu whined like crazy until we walked over and then she went berserk with all the water spray and hoses!! There weren't too many kids and there was another dog playing there. The kids thought it was so funny and stopped playing just to watch her. Next year I will take my video cam. Beezuzu is doing great with her obedience (she challenges me and realizes she can't melt me when we are working - well most of the time, but I am working on that lol). She is learning freestyle basics quickly but loves to do her own choreography if I am not quick enough for her. We will be in the Rogers Santa Claus Parade Dec 5th. Our Clown Alley has been invited to participate, so I am making her a red coat with white fake fur trim and she will do some of her freestyle moves and tricks as we go along the route. It's nice to have a dog again who loves people. She hasn't shown any indication yet of being nervous around crowds or kids. Flyball was a bust. She loves the thrill of the chase of a ball, not just running to grab it & racing back. So, we started agility last week and she LOVES it!! The instructor said she will do well at it! Now if only I can keep up! lol! I am so grateful to you Vickie, and the Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue, for allowing us to add Beezuzu to our family. ![]() Milo is a survivor! In his short seven year life he has survived Parvo as a puppy and was rescued from a home of neglect and abuse in Dec. 2009. Milo is now firmly part of our family. He has the routine down pat and keeps everyone in line. He stays at home with my Mom and Dad through out the day. In the morning Dad takes him over to the local Senior Center in his scooter basket for all the old folks to admire and fuss over and then he comes home and sleeps next to my Mom while she watches Young & the Restless. When I come home, he ignores everyone else and his heart belongs only to me. He follows me everywhere. We go out for a walk with in the evening and at least once a day someone will take him for a ride in the car. He whines and cries to go for a car ride as soon as he hears the keys jingle, but then promptly falls asleep in the back seat!!! Milo is a sweet little guy. We are committed to getting his better eye operated on and giving him some sight back in order to open up his world a little bit. He has gained a lot of weight (in a good way, he is far from fat!!) and the new food we found for him has helped his skin so, he is getting some hair back on his face, chest and legs. He is (and always was) a handsome little guy. He is LOVED!! ![]() Dexter was only a year old when he cane into rescue. His family had adopted him from an unhealthy puppy situation. They tried to give him the best home, but were unable to handle the vet bills. Dexter is now living in a happy healthy home in Bellingham. He loves to snuggle and go to work with his truck driving owner. He even has two Chihuahua buddies. ![]() Pugsley came to live with me and my pack in September 2010. He had outlived his beloved owner and needed a place to pass his remaining time. Pugs was 14 years old, almost blind, arthritic, skinny and scared. He spent the first few days in the kitchen getting to know smells and sounds and a bit of the sights. Pugs soon became part of the pack even thought they weren't sure what to do with him. His favorite thing to do was to get on the loveseat and lick the leather ALL OVER. Don't know why??? He sat with me and occasionally got a chewy away form someone else and seemed to be happy with his home. He passed over the rainbow bridge on February 16th 2011. I know his momma was there to greet him. Rest in Peace Pugs! ![]() Goober I was sitting at home one Saturday last September afternoon when the phone rang. It was a lady calling asking if I could help with two Boston Terriers that were in the Olympia animal shelter. We had just adopted a Boston in June and we were not in the market for another. I told them I would go see the Bostons, but I could not promise that I would adopt either of them. When I got to the shelter and asked about the two Boston's that were in the shelter, I was told one had already been adopted but the other was still there. I asked to see it and was told to wait in a separate room while he was brought in. The dog that was brought into the room he did not have the typical markings of a Boston other than four white feet and a white blaze and chest. He looked more like a tiger (light brown with black stripes) and his tail had been bobbed. He was full of energy and was extremely happy to greet me. I could not resist and asked to adopt him. After getting the paper work done and paying his bail, he and I headed home to face my wife. It didn't take long for him to work himself into our lives and become one of the pack. He is very affectionate and is a real "talker" from the start. I made an appointment with our vet to introduce him and get him check out. Turns out he had a real issue with his skin and it took two sessions of medications to get that under control. He also needed a lot of dental work. It took us about two months to get all his medical needs under control and the extra cost of another dog has been well worth it. Goober is a model companion, loving, devoted, and an excellent house dog. He fit right in with the other Boston's and has been a great addition to our family. He loves to crawl under the covers at night and sleep at the foot of the bed. When he gets ready for a nap in the afternoon (or morning), he will go to the bedroom door and lightly bark to let us know to open the door for him so he can get that extra snooze time. He loves to ride with us and looks forward to his walks and romps in the back yard. I am glad that I got the call on that Saturday afternoon and took the time to "rescue" Goober (somehow I don't think that is the way it works since they always seem to rescue us). We are currently in the process of moving to Clallam Bay, WA and Goober is as excited as we are about the prospect of new territory to explore. Allen and Deborah Trantham ![]() Martini is a 4-5 year old, 35 pound, neutered Boston. He was owned by an elderly man that broke his hip and was in a nursing home and they were not sure he'd ever come back home. So, rescue was contacted. Martini made the trip from Spokane to western Washington and was placed in an active home. We adopted Martini after our 14.5 year-old Vizsla, Dale, passed on. Our 2-year-old Vizsla Rossi needed a new playmate. Since Martini came to stay with us, they've become best of friends. They love chasing each other, sleep together, and even prefer to share the same crate when the people go away, rather than stay in their separate crates. Martini is a welcome addition to our home. ![]() Lily is a 1 year old, spayed Boston. She was surrendered when her owner became homeless. She now lives with a young family. We got Lilly a few months ago and she is the best dog we could of asked for. She loves playing with our 3 and 18 month old children. She enjoys playing fetch and going on walks. Lilly also enjoys going on family car rides! We thank you for sending us Lily. ![]() Bonnie We had already enjoyed almost 2 yrs. with our adopted "Maddie" from Boston Rescue when we happened to be driving back home from Auburn on November 13th, 2010. I was checking my email in the car while Bob, my husband, drove. There was a plea from Vicki that 9 dogs had arrived all at once and they were desperate to find homes before the holidays. I was scrolling through the pictures of all of them when I came across Bonnie's. I leaned over to show Bob real quick and he practically yelled at me to call Vicki NOW! I couldn't believe it. I had actually been thinking about us getting a 3rd dog, one that would be in love with Bob and could fit in his lap. Katie, our Golden Retriever is too big for that even though she adores him. Maddie is MY dog and has very little to do with Bob. He had been feeling left out in the "cuddles" department. I called Vicki and we arranged to meet Bonnie, who was tiny, about two years old, deaf, and had been picked up as a stray, the very next day. That's all she wrote! We fell in love with the goofy little bundle of energy immediately. Bonnie is all "GO". She just can't sit still. If you go to pet her, she practically turns inside out! She seems like she is on speed! The most endearing part of her personality is her perpetual grin and love of life. EVERYONE, and I mean EVERYONE is her friend. She doesn't care what you may think of her, she is your buddy and does her "out of control" jig all over you. She licks everyone and everything as if to say, "I love you, and you and you and this and that and everything!" She is all energy until she just can't go any more and literally passes out wherever she is. Over she goes and is out like a light. We were even a bit worried at first that she really HAD passed out! Now it's just funny to see her reach that point of exhaustion. The minute she is awake, off she goes again with her craziness. It's such fun seeing her enjoy everything and everyone! We are thrilled to have her join our menagerie. Katie, the Golden, is glad to have a boss, and believe me, Bonnie can be very bossy. Maddie is tolerant of her new sister's antics, but when enough is enough, she let's her know it. And the best part is her adoration of Bob. The sun rises and sets on him in her eyes. We love her to pieces and can't believe we thought our family was complete before her. She certainly has fulfilled a vacancy we didn't even know was there! ![]() Boscoe came to us in November 2010. We had decided that our 2 1/2 year boston terrier Nolan needed an "older brother" to play with. Even though Boscoe is smaller than Nolan he has just as much energy! Boscoe is a super friendly, loving little guy who loves having his tummy rubbed. He loves going to the dog park, car rides, toys and walks. He now understands the phrase "who wants to go for a walk?" and becomes extremely excited and turns circles and what I call his "flapper feet." Bosoce was a bit shy when he first came to live with us but as he has gotten to know his younger brother and new family he has become very comfortable and his personality just shines. He can be a bit bossy with his toys but we are continuing to work on that and he now knows how to "sit" and "wait." We are continuing to work on basic manners but he is doing really well as he is a smart cookie! ![]() CC Our adoption story started with my interest in having another pet in the family two years after the death of our Australian Shepard. I began looking at Boston's because I had been around one as a child and remembered how much I had liked the breed. After discussions with my husband we had decided that we wanted a slightly older dog because we both still worked, he full time and me part time, and we didn't feel like we could take on the responsibility of a puppy. We also like the idea of a rescue dog because we know that there are a lot of pets out there who need good homes. I started an internet search and through Pet Finder was directed to SPDR Boston Rescue. I filled out an application and Vicki was great in getting back in touch with me and letting me know how the process worked and what I might expect. She was proactive in sending me photos of a couple of dogs for consideration and pretty quickly CC became available. My husband and I made a trip to meet CC and fell in love right away. After the appropriate medical attention, (which SPDR was kind enough to help pay for) we were able to bring CC home and after some "getting to know ya" settling in. The rest has been a happy family history. CC is a very loving five year old Boston boy who loves to cuddle and chase balls. CC's previous owners had to work so he was not very well socialized but he has adapted to our much more hands-on, relaxed family life very well. CC now goes for car rides and trips to the dog park. He enjoys playing with toys from a basket I keep with his things in it. He will bring them all out and spread them over the family room floor. Ex-small tennis balls are his favorite toy and we are working on the whole "bring it all the way back" thing. He likes to chase and get them and then lay down at your feet and chew on them. He chases squirrels and birds in the back yard. However without question CC's favorite thing to do is sleep in the sunshine that comes in through the glass slider doors on the back of our house. He is truly a sun-bunny. Just recently, I had a hip replacement surgery and CC was the best company I could have imagined during my recovery. He stayed with me and slept right beside me to keep me both warm and entertained. My husband Jim and CC are special buds; when Jim gets home from work in the afternoon CC is all over him with kisses and wiggles. We love CC and have been so happy with our choice of a Boston, everything they say about the breed has proven (in CC's case) to be true. He is smart, loyal and loving. Our family will be forever grateful to Vicki, Al and SPDR Boston Rescue for supporting us in our adoption efforts. Their outreach and support helped us add a loving member to our family. Their financial support with the initial Vet visit and adoption fee allowed us to adopt a beautiful, healthy dog that we might not have been able to afford otherwise. We can't thank them enough for their help and assistance. Debbie and Jim Parent ![]() Sammy was owned by an elderly lady, who fell on hard times, became homeless and was living in a residential motel outside of Sedro Wooley. She had serious health problems and was moved into a nursing home. She contacted Boston Terrier rescue to help with her beloved Sammy, the only "family" member she had. It gave her comfort to know that Rescue would be sure Sammy was adopted and loved. After helping Vicki and BTRWW with the "rescue" from the motel, Clarice took Sammy home to foster for a few days. He was just too adorable and loving not to keep him. Sammy adapted easily and is very loving and attached. He was, unfortunately, massively obese at 35 pounds. He looked like an Old English Bulldog with a Boston Terrier head. He was put on a "health food" diet, small rations and lots of daily walks and play. Within 3 months, he lost 5 pounds, grew a thick, shiny coat, and has become a sleek, trim, athletic gentleman. He now jumps for joy when Clarice comes home, leaping two or three feet into the air. He runs with his new buddy, Jodie (a rescue that came to live with Clarice about 3 years ago). He loves cuddling in the evening, sitting beside Clarice when she's on the computer or reading, and riding in the car to do "errands". ![]() Lucky is a 16 pound handsome 2 year old Boston Terrier.His name wasn't always Lucky we changed his name because we felt he was Lucky to find his family while he was still young. Lucky came from a home with three other Boston's and spent much of his time in the garage. After a neighbor complained of the whining dogs Lucky was given to the BTRWW. My husband and I were called on a Monday evening and told about Lucky's story we went to get him the very next day.It hasn't been the easiest road with this little guy due to his severe separation anxiety. We have come a very long way with Lucky and love him dearly. There is something about the way Lucky looks at you with such sincerity love and trust that just makes your heart melt. All though Lucky had a rough start to his life he is still full of personality and spunk. There has not been a single person who has met this dog and not instantly fallen in love. Lucky always brings smiles and laughs to everyone in the room when he shakes. If Lucky goes outside to potty and its raining when he comes back in he shakes off to the point of almost falling over. It is sure to bring a smile to anyone's face. There are so many things that we love about this little guy but I think the greatest thing he has brought into our home is his love for us and our little Boston Abi. Lucky and Abi love to play tug a war over any toy at anytime. We couldn't imagine life with out this little guy. Lucky loves to go on new adventures, car rides are no problem for this Boston. If he could talk he would say wake me up when we get there. When we finally arrive to our destination generally the sand dunes he loves to go to the beach with Abi and play fetch. We have also recently discovered his love for hiking he is so excited from start to finish he can barely wait to see whats at the top. Adopting Lucky has been a blessing to us. He has brought so much Joy and laughter to our family. Most people would say he is the lucky one for finding a good home but I think we are the lucky ones for being blessed with such a loyal dog. ![]() Bunny is a 10 year old, 15 pound, female Boston Terrier mix. She is a sweet, gentle soul who was picked up as a stray. I knew she was a mix and was hoping that she would be adopted. She was so cute. Alas, she had been at the shelter for six weeks, so I went and got her. Bunny is a very active for her age. She listens well and enjoys long walks. She knows sit, stay and comes when you call. She loves to track down smells, sleep in the sun, chew on her antler or a toy, and sit on your lap. Bunny does not appreciate rambunctious, unruly dogs. When she first arrived, she was "a bit aggressive" toward our other dogs. She has settled in now, but is the first to remind family and visitors that she is in charge. She is our smallest dog, but, definitely is top dog in our home. Shortly after coming into rescue, Bunny was diagnosed with Cushing's disease. We seem to have her symptoms under control now and she is enjoying her life. With two strikes against her, being older and having a medical issue, we knew Bunny would be our dog. We have welcomed her into our home to live out her golden years. Vicki & Al ![]() Phoebe is a 15 pound, 8 year old Boston. She was surrendered by a family because they could no longer care for her. Phoebe's favorite things to do are to chase cats and lie in the sun. She now lives in Puyallup, WA with her own kids and a best buddy, Chunky, and Boston/Bulldog mix. ![]() Watson is a 2.5 y.o male muscular / athletic Boston Terrier. When he came to us he was fighting awful ear infections and it turned out that one of his eardrums was also ruptured. The vet feared he would have to operate but, after months of antibiotics and TLC, were are happy to report that the ear infections have cleared. We think Watson may be half cat as he loves to be at the highest point of every piece of furniture and climb to the roof of the car. His days are spent lounging in front of the heater vent and resting in his bed. When not lounging, he loves to go for walks and play fetch with his mini tennis ball. He can jump to catch that ball. You know he is hungry when he sits next to his bowl and you discover a puddle on the floor from all his salivating. His is so entertaining and we are enjoying every minute of his company. Tiffany & Robert