These Bostons have found Forever Families in 2013 through BTRWW
Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington places all rescue Boston Terriers through Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. Please see our Adoption page to see how to adopt a Boston Terrier.
![]() Lucy is a 20 pound, almost 2 year old, spayed Boston Terrier. We received her from the rescue because she wasn't getting along with the cats in her previous family. Lucy found her forever home in Everett, WA. It took her a few days to become accustomed to her new family and to really open up, but once she did…look out. Her personality really shines now! Our five year old daughter used to be terrified of dogs, big and small, so we were a little worried as to how she would take to Lucy. Within hours of being at our house, the two were inseparable! Lucy enjoys playing in our big, fenced-in back yard with our two kids! They enjoy running circles with her and playing chase! Tug-o-war is one of Lucy's favorites! She also enjoys just lying out in the sun and catching a few sun rays. At night, Lucy curls up on her favorite blanket to watch TV with mom and dad, though we have to turn up the volume because her snoring is so loud! She has quickly become the favorite member in the family! The Butlers ![]() Meet Roxy!! I've been meaning to adopt another dog for years, after my first dogs had died, and one day finally decided to bite the bullet and research the perfect breed for me and my family. I had heard older dogs had a harder time being adopted and decided an older dog would be perfect for me. The Boston terrier seemed like a great fit and I put in an application right away. I received a call shortly after about an adorable 5 year old female named Roxy. My daughter and I went to meet her and she stole our hearts. Roxy came to live with us and has been the perfect companion. She loves to go for walks but is also content to spend an afternoon being lazy on the couch. Roxy does this one thing which, three months later, still makes me laugh out loud. Right before we go to bed, we're usually sitting on the couch and Roxy is usually sleeping. I wake her up and take her out for one last pitstop before we head upstairs. Once upstairs, Roxy will twirl around, in a tight circle, three or four times and it is the cutest thing I've ever seen! She sometimes twirls during the day when she is happy or excited about something but she always does it right before she curls up in her bed. With her stoic facial expressions, its sometimes hard to tell if she's happy or not, but after watching her twirl around I know for a fact she is happy and content with us. I couldn't be happier with Roxy and I know she's happy now. She twirls! ![]() Simon was surrendered to rescue when his family didn't have enough time for him. He is 6 years old. Simon's favorite thing to do is be with his family. He loves to cuddle up with his 'dad' and watch TV, and doesn't mind if one of the other dogs snuggles on top of him. He wants to go wherever I go, and almost always gets to, as he is very good in the car. He likes to lay on the back of the couch, where he can keep an eye on the backyard, and everything going on in the house. Simon loves his blanket, and can cover himself up by putting his head under the blanket and flipping and turning. He lives happily with his two doggie sisters. Thanks for letting us adopt! ![]() El Quatro! After my rescue Boxer, Bennie died, Milton and Coco (rescued), my two Boston Terriers, fell into a deep funk that lasted over a month. The three of them had been together for over a decade, and they were lost without their big brother. Since I was used to three dogs, I decided to rescue another girl Boston. It was pretty easy to find a "used dog store" for BT's, and I hooked up with Vicki and Al very quickly. I passed the home inspection (after a mad cleaning/yard work frenzy-those things always make me so nervous!), Vicki called and said there was a sweetheart of an older gal waiting for her forever Mommy available…Daisy The drive from Camas to Seattle was about 2.5 hours, and uneventful. Milton and Coco, as always, took alternating positions either on my lap or in the passenger seat, were fast asleep and snoring with contentment five minutes from departure. I don't know about your pups, but mine are awesome travelers. I found Vicki and Al's house easily, and drove up the driveway feeling excited, nervous, and hopeful. Spilling out of the house came Boston after Boston after Boston after Boston after Boston...10 I believe they had at the time. I immediately put Vicki and Al on a pedestal for the kind-hearted (and brave) people they are to take on such a labor of love. I met Daisy, she was loving and sweet, got along well with other dogs and people, was very affectionate and lived to sit in a lap and snuggle. In other words: perfect. Vicki put all of her dogs in the house, and I put Milton, Coco and Daisy in her backyard to play while we went in to do the adoption paperwork. When I got ready to leave, walked outside and Hello! There were four dogs out there…Boo had sneaked out the door. It was love at first sight. "Who are YOU?!" I exclaimed. Vicki introduced him as Boo, who had been at her house a few months. Although 12, he was lively, energetic, perfectly mannered and a regular ambassador of all the best BT character traits. He was also Daisy's "boyfriend", and they were very affectionate towards each other. It dawned on me that I was considering having four BT's - and I immediately squelched the thought, grabbed Daisy. Milton and Coco, said goodbye to Boo, Vicki and Al, and got the HECK outta there. Three days later, after much deep thinking, arguing, and debating with myself, I called Vicki and asked her if she would consider letting me have Boo. She was delighted. I was delighted and scared at the same time of becoming "The Crazy Doggie Lady". Vicki and Al met me halfway between our cities. We had dinner, and I brought Boo to his forever home. He is the love of my life. So there you have it. Four lovely Boston Terriers and I spend every waking and sleeping moment in a delightfully funny and dynamic relationship. I'm still trying to figure out how to get into bed before they "descend" at night, and also still working out how to get out of bed when cover pinned by four snoring pups…but everything else has pretty much worked itself out. Though my family and friends insist I am "over dogged". I wouldn't miss a second of this time in my life. I am exceedingly grateful and honored to care for these lovely souls for the rest of their lives. Best, Gayle Cooper ![]() Meet Little Bug!! Our beloved Clyde had recently passed and I told Vicki we were ready for another BT. She told me about several that were in foster care, and of course they were all wonderful dogs, but none of them seemed 'just right'. Then one afternoon Vicki called me at work, and I could tell she was very excited, because she was slightly out of breath. Vicki doesn't get rattled by anything, so I knew for sure this was big news. She told me that a woman had seen a BT being dropped off on Paradise Lake Road, which has excessive traffic, in front of the Paradise Pet Lodge. According to the woman, who saw the whole thing happen, the car sped away, and the BT walked around on the road before falling down into a ditch. Turns out that he was blind!. The lady went out to the road and got the baby and took him with her. Vicki took him to the Vet in Bellevue where it was discovered that not only was he blind, he also had a grade 3 heart murmur, narrowing of his spinal column, really bad teeth, and the beginning stages of kidney disease. Basically he was perfect for us and I decided on the spot to take him home forever. Bug has been Mr. Independent from day one. He learned the house and yard in 2 days. He goes in and out, up and down the porch stairs with no difficulty. After about 2 weeks he went up to top speed in the yard and just zips around all over with absolutely no fear. His sense of smell is so good he will come out from wherever he is in the house when the peanut butter jar is opened. He follows mama from room to room in the house and routinely walks the indoor perimeter and outdoor perimeter of the house just 'checking' on things. Bug could not tolerate being petted for more than a few moments when he first came home on any part of his body. Then he allowed petting and rubbing his head and neck only. Now he will stand and even enjoys a neck rub and strokes down his back and under his belly. He does not like to sit near his humans, does not like to be picked up or carried. He has one bed that he is very attached to, after multiple trials and errors! He loves to create his nest by digging in with his front feet and jumping up pushing his bed towards him. He loves to do this in dirty laundry as well, and I often find him buried in the bedroom laundry pile. Bug is very intelligent, very independent and is slowly coming out of his shell. We wouldn't trade him for the world. ![]() Maximus Circulus We knew Maximus was a special needs dog after discovering him on the Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington web site, but we weren't really prepared for how challenged he really was until finally seeing him in person. His spinal and rear leg deformity were pronounced and his bones were clearly visible due to his underweight. It didn't seem likely anyone else would want to adopt him. That was all we needed to know. He was coming home with us. This troubled little dog had a different name before coming to us. He was rather neurotic and ran in circles a lot. In spite of his ailments, he had the heart of a gladiator. So we named him Maximus Circulus. Max for short. We took Max to our vet right away. He weighed in at seven pounds - a third of what he should. After a battery of tests, our vet determined that he had parasites, gum disease, skin problems, incontinence, and a few other disorders. There was no evidence of him ever having any veterinary care. Basically, he was very ill and weak. Although she tried to put a positive spin on it, the doctor's diagnosis was not at all positive. In spite of the odds, after three months and a lot of medical attention Max had nearly doubled his weight, just shy of 13 pounds. In that same space of time he learned the rules of being housebroken. In addition to his improved appearance and general health, Max has comfortably settled into a lifestyle that every dog should enjoy - to be well cared for and loved. And every day, like most Boston's, he returns twice as much as we give him. ![]() Fiona now lives on Whidbey Island. ![]() Russett came to us two months ago through the SPDR Boston Terrier Rescue. At the time, her name was Rosie, and she was reportedly an owner surrender to a shelter in Yakima at nearly 14 years old. Despite being taken from her owner and home, placed into a stressful shelter environment, going to a foster home, then finally coming to us, she is a remarkably calm and adaptable dog. She is deaf and nearly blind (she has some light perception in her peripheral vision), but within 24 hours, she had mapped our house, located the toy baskets, and staked out a favorite spot on the living room loveseat. We have never owned a blind or deaf Boston before, but Russett has been very patient with us as we work out accommodations for her. Not surprisingly, Russett spends a lot of her day sleeping, but after she eats, our old lady shows some spirit and likes to play a bit of tug-o-war or chew on a bully stick. It is quite poignant and sweet to see her flip a toy around and pounce on it. Because of her eyesight issues, she refuses to go down the interior stairs of our house, so we've had to carry her when we want her downstairs. It was clear she was unused to being carried, and at first, she was very rigid and concerned when we picked her up. It didn't take long, however, for her to recognize the touch signal for being picked up and really relax into it - so much so that we started calling her "Sack of Potatoes." Between that nickname and the warm reddish color of her coat, we decided to change her name to "Russett", which suits her well. We are honored to be able to offer Russett a home in which to live out the rest of her days. ![]() Bolt In working with Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington, we met several dogs and determined that our family (father, mother and two daughters, ages 7 and 9) wanted an athletic Boston Terrier that could be included in our active lifestyle. We met several rescue dogs, and had a special connection with each. One dog came with cute costumes. Another played fetch. When we saw a photo of a young male dog at the Ellensburg Animal Shelter on Petfinder and heard his story; however, we knew that we'd found THE right dog. Bolt was found wandering the streets of Ellensburg, WA, and was returned to the shelter by his adoptive family after a week for climbing and jumping a five-foot fence. Within days of being adopted into our family, Bolt proved himself the perfect dog for each family member. Bolt enjoys three-mile runs, with energy to do more. He guards all the members of his pack by alerting us when people come to the door or enter the backyard. He cuddles and endures hugs. He responds well to training from all family members, even when our commands and signs lack consistency. Since his "bolting" was a concern, we had Bolt micro chipped and have participated as a family in weekly obedience training classes to master "Bolt, Stay," and "Bolt, Come!" No longer does he take advantage of opportunities to race out the door. Instead, he wants to be with us and included in all the fun. We've taken him with us canoeing, camping and hiking. Bolt isn't just loved by our family, he is loved by all the children at the bus stop and community park. On several occasions we've heard children plead with their parents to get a dog just like Bolt. We're blessed to have a healthy, happy dog that loves us too. ![]() Lucy came to us from SPDR in May 2013, she is 5yrs. We wanted a sister for our male Boston, Scooter, who is 6yrs. We didn't want to do the whole puppy thing so we rescued. Best thing we have ever done! Lucy has been such a great addition to our family. We were told she was rescued with a bad eye infection and had her right eye removed due to the infection. It could not be saved but that doesn't slow her down. She runs around in the yard like it is still there. Lucy and Scooter chase each other around like there is no tomorrow. The funniest thing she does while out playing in the yard is her barrel rolls. It cracks us up! Or if you stop petting her she paws at your like "um you stopped petting me. You're not finished!" She is great, glad we picked you Lucy girl! Thanks, Shamae, Bill & Scooter ![]() Maddy is a 4-5 year old female Boston Terrier that found her forever home with us in June. While we are a little unsure of Maddy's past, I can guarantee that she will have a truly wonderful and loving future! Maddy lives in Auburn with her parents and her 100-pound German Shepherd/Mastiff brother (who is also a rescue!). While Maddy is a little timid and unsure at first, she is sure living it up in her new home! Maddy enjoys going on daily walks, meeting new friends at the dog park, and chasing her big brother around in circles in the backyard! Maddy also loves her yummy raw food, snuggling up with her brother, and her nightly belly scratches. Our family feels complete with Maddy. Thank you Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington, we are very grateful for Maddy! ![]() Wanda is around 8 years old. I adopted her about 6 months ago. It took me over a year of searching to find the right dog to adopt. And wow, did I strike a goldmine with Wanda. She's such a happy dog. Her big Boston Terrier smile always warms my heart and brings joy to our household. I work in rabbit rescue, and have 3 bunnies at home. Wanda gets along great with the rabbits. She mostly ignores them, but sometimes will let them snuggle up to her in bed. From what I understand about her history, she was a breeder dog and had many litters of puppies when she was very young. Wanda has blue eyes, so most breeders like to monetize on this rare trait. She was rescued by a woman who rehabilitated her. When Wanda was about 7 years old, she lost her right eye and could no longer stay with her current family for medical reasons. She was surrendered to Seattle Boston Terrier Rescue, and I was lucky enough to bring her into my family. Wanda and I are totally bonded. We spend most of our time together, and she can tell how much I love her. When I first adopted her, she was a little on the chubby side, so I walk her 4-5 times a day (short walks, because she can tire out). She's lost some weight and the vet says she is very healthy. She comes to work with me every day, so she is rarely alone. Boy-o-boy is she the belle of our office. Everybody just adores her and showers her with affection. We live in a big house that has a large fenced yard, so she gets lots of outdoor time playing in the grass and lounging under the apple tree. Overall, she's a really happy dog and I am a very happy doggie-mama. ![]() Meet Maggie! Last Spring we went on a search to find a new four-legged friend for our mother. Mom is now retired and enjoying her senior years but was feeling a bit lonely and in need of a companion. We decided to seek out a Boston Terrier as Mom had previous experience with the breed. We also felt that finding a "rescued" dog would be a good way to match up an older animal that would be more compatible in our mother's current retirement living environment. No sooner did we begin our search did we find the helpful resources of Vicki & Al via Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. We completed the on-line application for adoption. Vicki & Al were able to locate and find a terrific Boston Terrier, Maggie, match for our Mother in relatively short order. Vicki & Al took the time to introduce Maggie to our Mother and determine if Maggie would be suited to her new home, and if our Mother felt the same. It was a match! Maggie is doing very well in her new surroundings, eating maybe a little too well, and Mom is loving her new friend. Thank you! ![]() Meet Ellie! We'd been thinking about adopting an adult dog for awhile and after much research decided a Boston Terrier would be a perfect fit for us. We were in contact with Vicki and it seemed meant to be because a 7 year old Boston named Ellie she thought would be a good match for us became available and needed a home as soon as possible. We drove down from British Columbia to meet adorable Ellie and we were very happy to take her home with us. Ellie very quickly became Julie's sidekick and follows her everywhere. Ellie loves to help Dave pick her up by giving a little jump into his arms and then she enjoys him holding her belly side up so she can get a great belly rub. Ellie loves to play fetch indoors, when we get home she runs and finds a bouncy toy for us to throw and then she likes us to chase her to get it back. She also loves to play Frisbee at the park. In the summer she loves to follow the patches of sun to lie in and during the colder months she loves to curl up in fuzzy blankets especially in front of the fireplace. She always makes us laugh when she gives her "pretty girl" smiles with her lips caught in her teeth. And it is adorable how excited she gets when it is supper time, she runs in happy circles when she knows it's time to eat. We couldn't be happier and love Ellie in our family! ![]() Arnie was a 25 pound nine year old Boston who came in as a stray from southwestern WA. He was a mess! He had an eye infection with ulcers, an ear infection, worms, skin issues, and an infected ingrown tail. He seemed to prefer men, loved to play with his toys, and was quite a cuddler. He was in his foster home for about three weeks. He was neutered, had his tail amputated, and his infections cleared op. He was ready to go to his new home. Arnie is a lucky dog. His first home was with a retired gentleman. He loves to go on long walks, riding in the car, playing fetch, and biting the water coming out of the hose. When I am reading and Arnie wants to play, he will push his head up under my book as if to say, "Time to stop reading and play ball!" Arnie loves to be loved and gives love in return. Mark Stotts After 8 months Arnie came back into rescue. Arnie was not behaving and his owner could not care for him. Arnie is almost blind but loves to still play ball. He can entertain himself for an hour with his ball because he has had a lot of his teeth pulled and the ball pops out of his mouth. It only goes about 5 feet so he can still find it. He picks it up again. It pops out. You get the picture. He still loves his walks but, his favorite thing to do is to play in the sprinkler. Arnie has been with us for over a year now. We love him and we are more than willing to care for his medical needs. He has declared himself the "policeman" of the house. He reminds the others to behave. Vicki & Al ![]() Boo is a nine year old female. She was given to the Everett Shelter by her family on a Sunday afternoon because they could not afford to pay a pet deposit on new apartment. BT Rescue was called and Vicki and Clarice rushed to Everett Shelter and picked her up only a few hours after she'd been surrendered. She had severe, chronic ear infections and ear canals were swollen, thickened and closed. She could not hear and had odorous drainage from ears which were painful and itchy. She need extended treatment so Clarice agreed to foster her until she was ready for adoption and healthy. After prolonged antibiotics and surgery to open both ear canals and more time to heal from surgery, she was able to hear (miracle) and ready to meet her new owner. BUT WAIT, Clarice & family were in love with Boo and could not give her up. Why does that always seem to happen? Oh well, three dogs is not too many is it? She's sweet, quiet and loves her balls. Life is complete if she has a ball to chase and chew. She fits in with Sammy & Jodie. She's a great walker and exercise companion for Clarice (which is great as neither Sammy or Jodie like going out for walks when it's cold and wet). She has a thick, silky, soft coat of fur and is strong, healthy and "younger" than many 9 year old dogs. I'm so happy Boo came our way and we, with help from BT rescue, have been able to get her ear infections resolved. ![]() Earl came into rescue because his elderly owner could no longer care for him. He is 7 years old and has no shortage of energy. He loves his walks and sometimes we go on 3 hour long walks by the beach or hiking up the Chief. He is a happy dog that is curious about everything and everyone and has been a constant source of laughter since I adopted him this summer. I found him on the Adopt a Pet website and knew I had to have him. We drove down to Redmond a few weeks later to pick him up and he acted like he was always in my life. When I come home from work he spins in circles on the spot because he's so excited. Earls favourite things to do are eating (he loves his treats!), going to the pet store, playing with his favourite toys, going for long walks, cuddling and being with people. He cuddles with me on the couch and hangs out with me in the kitchen when I cook. He's the sweetest little pup. All of my friends that have met him have all offered to adopt him from me but there's no way I could give up such a little darling. ![]() Miley came into rescue because she and the other family dog could not get along. She arrived in a very special way. On the day the call for Miley came in one of our foster home's husband, Pat, and a buddy volunteered to fly to Yakima and pick up Miley. Shelly from the Yakima Valley Pet Rescue readied Miley for her flight and had her at the airport waiting for her ride to her new home. Miley was in her new home in Federal Way, WA in less than 24 hours. Miley came to me during a very difficult time of heartache in my life. She has been a true blessing and we have become the best of friends. She loves to chase just about anything that moves in the yard and loves to snuggle on the couch the best of all. She loves to go for walks and is quite the cuddler. She has become close to my male Boston, Dillon, who is blind and Miley is very patient with him. They love playing together. She is 4 years old and a great dog and I am very lucky to have such a special little girl. ![]() Meet Toby!! 3 years ago we had to put down our 16 year old Boston, Zipper, and this summer the family starting feeling like we were ready to bring another Boston into our home. We contacted Vicki to be put on the wait list. She introduced us to 3 ½ year old Gizmo (now Toby) in August and he was a keeper. He is such a goofy guy and just looking at him makes us smile! He is happy to be laid back, snuggle and rest quietly by you, or get up and be crazy and go play ball if you invite him. We found out he loves tennis balls on our very first walk with him when he found a ball in the bushes and carried it all the way back home. Toby will play ball until you tell him it's time to stop. We have taught him 'last one' and 'all done' to help him settle down and be okay with stopping the game. We already had a road trip planned that we were heading out for just 2 days after getting him, so he tagged along with us and that is when we realized how amazing he really is. He is a good and fun road trip buddy. He rests quietly in his bed and didn't even budge when we ate meals in the car. One of the favorite parts of my day is when Toby and our 9 year old Husky (Ranger) play in the backyard. They are hysterical and I enjoy watching them go at it. Toby is a pleaser and adores us- which makes him even more adorable. He is so well behaved and trained, easily goes to his spot when we need to leave, or to his place in the car on a ride, and will go to his bed at night without complaint. We are having the best time with Toby and his fun and amazing personality. Thank you Vicki! The Rowland family ![]() We have always adopted "mature" dogs, and don't always get to keep them for a long time. Cleo may not be with us very long the vet says. In the meantime, we have become fans of Bostons. I don't know a lot about Cleo. She tells me in little snippets, but she certainly tells me. Yes, she was 11 years old when we adopted her in August and she has Cushings. Her cataracts are thick and she frequently loses her way in the dark. Her bark sounds like she smoked most of her life and her legs wobble when she eats. It's taken her a long time to adjust to our other dog, a blind, senior Manchester Terrier. However, there is now a quiet mutual respect and an occasional exchange of "don't run into me" warnings. Oh, but we love Cleo! She has snorted and huffed her way into our hearts. She'll do anything for a treat and can break into an outright run when motivated. Her spirit is indomitable. She is smart, very smart. Her inner clock is infallible and her bladder alarm is totally predicable. I awake in the morning with her paw on my chest and nose spray in the face. Sometimes I move my head in time! She appreciates her frequent massages and shows it by her peculiar style of purring. When I return from my running, she'll follow me around the house and lick my legs until I run to the shower and shut the door. I think she would follow me in if she could. Yes, Cleo is home. I can't imagine a house without the snoring of two dogs permeating the night. She is a wonderful gift to our little family and I am grateful to Vicki for allowing her come to her new home. May we always deserve Cleo's affection. ![]() My Little Boy Boston Story… Hi! My name is Nikko Angelo the Royal!! I got an extra big name for such a little boy…it is because I have such a BIG personality!! :-) I started out as just little Nikko…my Mom and Grandmother added Angelo the Royal…it fits me! Once a upon time…when I was very little…only four weeks old…a nice man and woman who had two little kids…one boy and one girl came for me. I'm told I was born in Tacoma on May 1, 2013 (which makes me a Taurus). School was out and the man had never had a dog…he really wanted his children and I to grow up together. They were very nice…but, didn't have much time for me. They crate trained and pretty much house broke me. They took me to the vet and made sure I was healthy. What they didn't do…was have time for me…I stayed in that crate…a lot. One day school started back in September and they realized with all the children's activities…there would NEVER be time for me. I was growing and I really wanted to spend time with them…especially the children! So…they decided to call Miss Vicki and ask her to find someone who had time to spend with me, play with me and just give me the attention and love…I so wanted. I'm also very, very smart and I wanted to learn. Well, Miss Vicki…had someone in mind who she thought just might be the perfect… 'new' Mommie for me. I'm told she called my Mommie on a Sunday and had to leave a message. She told my Mommie she had a 4.5mo little Boston boy coming into rescue…that she might like! You see…I only weighed 11.5 lbs at the time! When, my Mommie heard the message…she said she broke into happy tears…I have heard this story many times. :-) My Mommie had lost her 17yo Boston…Miguel a rescue, on May 18th, 2013…she had lost her 1st Boston…Angel at age 14.5yo just three short years before. Angel and Miguel were from New Mexico where my Mommie and Grandmother had lived for years before moving to Washington via Utah. A third BT boy was dropped off in my Grandmother's yard in UT…his name was Fletcher…he had been tied in a backyard all his years. He was only with my Mommie and Grandmother for four years. They say he was so grateful every day for the love he was shown. I digress (see I told you I was very smart)! :-) My Mommie had a broken heart and Miss Vicki thought I just might be exactly what she needed to help her heart heal! On September 10, 2013…My Mommie met my people at Miss Vicki's home…they did what they call an owner surrender…straight into my Mommie's arms…they wanted to meet her to make sure I would be loved! They weren't bad people…they just didn't know what to do with me! I'm so glad and thankful they found Miss Vicki…because she found my 'REAL' Mommie, my Daddy and my most special best-est friend of all…my Grandmother!! I recommend every Boston get a Grandmother…I get to spend most all the days with my Grandmother, while my Mommie goes to work. My Grandmother fixes me yummy lunches…I eat raw…I LOVE almost every veggie and fruit, I'm offered. My favs are red peppers, blueberries, celery, yams and papayas! Yum!! Also, I share my Grandmother's green smoothies in the morning…even though I have already had my breakfast of Greek yogurt and an egg before I get to her house! My previous people were feeding that to me before I came to my Mommie…I love my breakfast! In fact, sometimes I even 'talk' my Grandmother into a bonus egg/yogurt breakfast and if I'm really lucky…she makes me an omelet with another of my favorite veggies…spinach!! I take naps with my Grandmother, she teaches me new tricks…like Hi-Four...sometimes, I just start doing my tricks to get treats…it always works!! I take my Grandmother for 2 or 3 walks a day…my Grandmother says I would walk all day…if she would just let me!! Hey!! I'm just trying to keep her heart healthy…I love her sooo much!! Sometimes…I go with Mommie and visit 'her' people…they all love me! Well, actually everyone that meets me loves me!! When, I grow up…I want to be a therapy dog and volunteer with Reading with Rover…because I love people and children…soooo much!! I bring smiles to everyone I meet! I've taken classes at Seattle Humane Society (where I was the star of my class) and Puppy Manners (the littlest and the brightest)! I love my classes…I love learning new tricks and commands!! When, I turn one year old…I get to start Agility Class…my teachers say…I'm a natural! By the way…I'm now a very muscular athletic 20.5 lbs…not so…little now…am I? ;-) I'm a little bit shy when it comes to other dogs…since, I wasn't socialized very much. I'm working on it…I like other Boston's, though!! I also, love to eat, do tricks, play toss and tug!! I make my Daddy throw my toys and balls for hours every night! I also like to throw things under the sofa and make him 'fetch' them! I think it is pretty funny and besides, he has to get his exercise, too!! I have lots of energy and keep my Mommie, Grandmother and Daddy on their toes!! My Mommie says…I have been the best medicine for her heart! I'm sooo very loved, pampered like royalty and overall spoiled rotten. I love my Mommie, Daddy and Grandmother…very much!! I love Miss Vicki, too…she is the best-est… without her…I would never have found my 'REAL' Mommie!! Now, we all get to live together happily ever after…FOREVER!!! Oh!! One last thing…my name…Nikko…the man named me…he was Greek…it means…Victory of the People, named after St. Nicholas…patron saint of children…the origin of Santa. I think it is fitting since I was a 'gift' to my Mommie!! Angelo…in Italian…means messenger of God! My Mommie and Grandmother say…I was a gift from Angel, Miguel and Fletcher. I even have three 'Angel' kisses on my head…one each…from Angel, Miguel and Fletcher. I also have one pretty cool polka dot ear…that everyone thinks is so cute and special…just like me!! The Royal…well…you read my story…what do you think? ;-) ![]() Kaiah came in to rescue as very sick little old man. His family could not pay for his medical needs. It took the help of two rescues to help Kaiah. Old Dog Haven took him from the shelter and covered all of his medical needs: a full dental, removing his two mass cell tumors, and his neuter. Boston Terrier Rescue did all the foster and recovery work. Kaiah did all the rest. Kaiah is our new 11 year old baby! He may be senior but he has the energy of a toddler. He loves to play tug of war with his toys and really gives us a workout. When he tires he goes to his bed and sucks on it or a blankie. He is the most vocal dog we've ever met. He starts talking as soon as he thinks he's going for a car ride so we better be ready to go or we have to listen to him until he gets in the car. He makes us laugh every day with his talking! When we started thinking about getting another Boston we didn't think about an older dog but now we are so glad to have him, he's so well trained and seems to love us and we want to give him the best years of his life! ![]() Buddy's history is a bit unknown, other than he was 9 years old, blind, and stray. A rescue picked him up and he was sent across the state to Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue. From there he was sent to an amazing Foster Mom that took him to the vets. There he had loads of medical work done, and incurred a few bills. When the rescue sent out his story, in hopes of seeking assistance with his medical costs, the happy part of the story began. It was hard for us to believe that someone would abandon a little guy like him, and it was more amazing that the rescue and his foster Mom were doing so much for him. We looked at our situation, and had no excuse, but to at least consider Buddy for our home. We took our current dog Jack (7 year old rescued Boston) down to meet Buddy. The meet and greet went well, and for a 9 year old blind guy, Buddy was spry and spunky. He was incredibly affectionate and just a funny little guy all around. The following week, Buddy joined our family. Fortunately it was a sunny weekend and we had two full days home to help him acclimate and adjust. Dogs are resilient and adaptive. Buddy is certainly a typical Boston; he greats me at the door, follows me everywhere, and either sits on my lap or lies on a blanket under my desk. He loves warm cuddling on my chair or lying in the sun. He loves to play with his toys and tug of war. He likes routine and is right in sync with his brother for breakfast and lunch time.....and never forgets his treat after going out to potty. It has been a learning process and so much fun to watch a 7 and 9 year old adjust and adapt to each other. Buddy does very well and has figured the house and yard layout in his head. Jack does a good job of herding him around if he is lost. They have more of a roommate relationship than dogs that have been kenneled together as puppies. The companionship has improved each of them and makes their lives fun and lively. We are all enjoying our new family member. ![]() As you know Ricky was a stray in Yakima and fortunately found his way to you from the Humane Society. I had just lost a wonderful Boston Terrier named Buddy to predator Coyotes here on our place. I mentioned my need for a new Boston to fill the void in my heart to Glen Wilson. He told me that you had recently brought Ricky to your home and he would be available for adoption. I called you and you told me that he was going to be neutered and get shots, chip and so forth and would be available. I drove up to your place to meet him and fell in love with the little guy. I am so glad we found each other. We have bcome almost inseperable. We play keep-away several times a day. This is a game where I throw his chew rope and he races for it. He throws it up in the air and catches it several times and then he comes to me and teases me with it for a while before allowing me to grab it and throw it again. He loves to ride in the car and goes places with me all the time. He loves to go walking and we walk twice a day for a mile and a half each time. In the afternoons, we do our walk around a large pond where there are ducks and geese all the time. This pond-park is on about 10 acres and he gets to be off leash for the time we are there. We spend about an hour and a half there each day. He is so excited about going there that if I am even a little bit late taking him he comes and literally "talks" to me in his begging voice. He has his bed and blanket and he takes several naps there every day. Any time I sit down in my recliner, he immediately is in my lap. He loves to cuddle. In the evenings he lays in my lap and sleeps while we watch TV. At bedtime, he goes outside through his personal door and does his business. Then he comes in and I carry his bed to the foot of our bed where he then sleeps all night long. He is a good eater and is very healthy. He was skin and bones when we first got him but he returned to a nice muscled condition in very good time. We spoil him with some people food quite often which he prefers above all other food. We have a large fenced yard that he can access through his door at his pleasure. He loves to go out there several times a day as long as the weather is good. He does not like the rain. I do have to be careful not to let outside the fence if I am not right with him. I learned right away that he will wander off. I suspect that is how he became a stray. He is not a barker and is very polite around company. He loves kids and other dogs. Our veterinarian thinks he is around six years old. We are both very happy he joined our family. ![]() Bruno is a 6 year old Boston. He came into rescue because his family didn't have a fenced yard and he kept getting loose. They couldn't give him the care that he needed. Bruno is doing well. When he came to me he had some health issues. We took care of that and now he is happy and healthy. We are together all the time. He goes to work with me, too. He won't let me out of his sight. He still doesn't know what to think of other animals. It will take time but, we are working on it. I told him he can do whatever he wants for the rest of his life. ![]() Daisy & Dixie On October 19, 2013, Dixie and Daisy became part of our family. They are not related but happened to come to Vicki at just the right time for us. When we were at Al and Vicki's trying to make a decision my husband, bless his heart, said "if you're gonna have one you might as well have two". So, we went home with two of the most adorable girls ever. They have filled their forever home with joy and laughter. To this day we are so happy we got them both and love calling them "the girls". Dixie is about one year old and very much a puppy. She loves to play chase with her friend Daisy. She has the cutest little face and she makes your heart melt when she looks at you. Daisy is about 5 years old and is very sweet and loving. Shortly after we got her she noticed the fish in our aquarium. She would sit on the back of the couch for literally hours watching the fish. At first we thought it was cute, but then we decided to cover part of it or send her to rehab for her fish obsession. Now she spends more time with us and interacting with her friend Dixie. Of course they both love to sleep under blankets and snore as Bostons do. They are both very loving , sensitive and curious about everything. They have a big basket filled with two of every toy as sharing can sometimes be interesting to say the least. The basket is put away when things get too crazy and then all is right with the world. They love the sunshine, looking out the windows and enjoying the warmth from the fireplace. It's fun to watch them playing tug-o-war with toys and they do it until they are exhausted. They love their daily walks and dressing up appropriately for the weather. One of their favorite things to do is cuddle with their dad in the lazy boy under soft blankets. At first we weren't sure how they would get along with our three cats but with patience and time they have done really well. They actually sleep in beds next to the cats in front of the fireplace. They are very well behaved and we love them both very much. We feel blessed to have them in our family and we are so thankful to Vicki for finding them. The Blain Family ![]() Meet Luca!! Everything works out as it should, when you least expect it . For quite some time I had been wanting a third Boston Terrier. I was always saying to all my dog loving friends, I would love a third baby. Randomly, a friend that does rescue in Boston Terrier Rescue Texas emailed me and said isn't this pup in your area. I took one look at the picture and immediately filled out an application with the rescue, emailed Western Washington Boston Terrier Rescue and contacted my Boston babies' caregivers and ask if they would object to a third Boston baby. And it was full speed ahead, hopeful to be chosen to be Manny Aka Luca's new Mama. The next day was a Saturday, and I received a call to set up a home visit and as well meet with the family of the Boston. All went well and the next thing you knew I was going to have a third baby joining my two 4 1/2 yr. olds. I was so excited!! I can honestly say, it is the best thing that happened to me in 2013 and for my sweet babies Dolce, and Clicquot. Manny (Luca is what we call him) is 1 1/2 yrs. old. He is tiny and weighs only 9 lbs and is such a sweet, loving Boston. He loves to snuggle, chase the ball, play tug with his siblings and bounce around the yard outside. He is very social, when he is at the caregivers he is the meet and greet Boston. He makes friends with everyone he encounters big or small. He makes me smile when I see his cute little prance when he runs, or walks. He loves to sit on my lap look me in the eye and like lighting his little tongue is out and his head pops in for a kiss right on the lips! He is quick and sneaky that way. He really makes me giggle! His new siblings love him. He snuggles with them by the fire place, plays and chases endlessly with them. I just watch the three of them and find myself laughing out loud at how funny they are together. I am so grateful we were chosen to adopt this little guy into our family. As one of their caregivers said its like he has always been part of your family. We love him so much! Thank you! My name is Sue and I'm the lucky pet sitter who gets to spend time each week with three of the coolest Boston Terriers ever - Dolce, Clicquot and newly adopted rescue pup, Manny (aka Luca). What a tremendous addition to the family he has been! It was love at first sight for me, as he is not only cute as a button, but also has personality and charisma to spare. He is as well mannered, funny and loving as any dog I have ever known and it's a joy to spend time with him. He's never met a stranger, never fails to make me laugh and his most endearing trait of all, he absolutely adores his new siblings. He can't snuggle close enough to them and it is dear to watch. I love a successful adoption story and feel privileged to be a part of this one. Thanks to all who work so tirelessly to find wonderful, loving homes for pups like Manny (aka Luca). ![]() Meet Maggie! I was an empty nester. My Boston's that we had for over 20 years, had all grown old and passed. Then my husband passed soon after our last furry kid... I spent almost a year alone and could not take it any longer! So, I found Boston Terrier Rescue and they rescued ME! I was matched up with Maggie... she is a very opinionated old lady! Maybe that is why we get along! She came from a home where her owner could no longer care for her. Anyway, she and I spend most of our time together. She has a huge pillow in the car so she can see out the window. She loves to ride in the car. Maggie came to me very over weight and I am seeing why he, he, he! The most active I see her is running and sliding through the kitchen when she hears the Fridge door open! It is so comical when I go to a drive through window. OMG! Does she have that down... she is right on my lap giving whoever I am doing business with the sweetest "please don't forget me" look.... what a player... She is very protective of her new home still. She won't let another animal in without a argument yet, she is very respectful when she visits their house. In time she will relax, I think. In Closing I thank God for all those who made it possible for Maggie and I to become and family. We both needed just what we got. Each Other! ![]() Meet Henry! Our family recently decided to adopt a new friend for our six year old BT named Gracie who we adore. After doing much research, we reached out to Boston Terrier Rescue of Western WA and began the process. Then the hard part came-waiting! We anxiously awaited a call that there may be Boston who would be a perfect fit for our family. Several months passed before the call came in, but we knew it would be worth waiting for the right fit and in our case it sure was! The next day we had our home visit- what a great experience! The fantastic volunteers were so thoughtful, thorough and kind. They made the excitement of a potential adoption even more pronounced. Vicki and the amazing volunteers totally know what they are doing and were spot on in recommending Henry for our family! Henry was surrendered by a very loving mommy who had rescued him 2 months prior from bad conditions. She had recently come to learn that she was ill and would no longer be able to care for him. In her selflessness, she sought placement for him. My husband, myself and Gracie drove an hour and half up North to meet Henry and his then current family. It was truly humbling to watch his current family with him and bear witness to the love they had for him. I knew that love, it was the same deep love we have for our BT Gracie and love that we readily had to share with Henry. For us with Henry, it truly was love at first sight. He came right up and put his big ole paw on me. My heart totally melted. Gracie who was pretty stressed from the car ride on the other hand was a bit unsure, but I just knew given their personalities that they would be perfect fits and hoped the family saw it too. We left not knowing if we would be selected, but hearts so hopeful! The call came the next day that we were selected and all the adoption ducks were in a row. Henry would be coming to us! We feel so blessed to have him as part of our lives. He's a two year old 30 pound "lap dog". He is the king of snuggles and if he isn't running around with Gracie, he's next to us. He loves snuggle and to have a paw on us whenever possible. He struggles with separation anxiety, but has made big strides and we are super proud of him. His huge paws are simply adorable as are his lips that sometime get stuck over his teeth giving him a hilarious "bitter beer face" expression. He is just the cutest guy! All he wants to do is show affection and know he is loved. He gazes deeply at you with his big brown eyes and steals the hearts of everyone he meets. He's a real lover who showers us with kisses daily. He and Boston sister Gracie hit it off like peas in a pod. They are best friends and snuggle buddies. We can't thank BT Rescue of Western Washington enough for facilitating this placement. It's amore! -Andrea, Chad, Ella, Seaonna, Kyle and Gracie ![]() Meet Maggie & Millie! ![]() Here's Ruby! Ruby (Ruey) came in to rescue when her family had to move and couldn't take her with them. She now lives in Puyallup, WA with her new best friends Larry, Avis and Sam, the lab. She is doing very well and fits right in to our family. She loves it here, has her own bed and a big back yard. She gets lots of attention from every one in our family. Ruby is definitely a lap dog. She loves to take naps with Larry in his chair. She follows him every where. When she wants a treat she sits and her two little front feet do a little dance. She gets so excited. She loves to give us kisses. Ruby runs and jumps in the living room chair when she hears activity in the driveway. She loves to look out the front window and bark at whoever drives up. The funniest thing she does is snore! She is louder than a freight train for such a little thing!! We love her and she is our little busy body, always right by our side. Thank you, Avis & Larry ![]() Meet Burley!
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