Because of YOUR donatioons . . . BTRWW has helped these rescued Bostons in 2020
We are dedicated to helping unwanted, neglected, and abandoned Boston Terriers with medical care expenses beyond routine care.
![]() Bonnie - December 2020 - 8 year old female from Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee Bonnie Emmylou came into rescue with multiple needs. Skin infections, ear infections, grade II-III heart murmur, 2 breast tumors and a rear tumor. With one of the tumors being highly suspicious of malignancy. She has been treated for all her needs and being monitored on the tumors for reoccurrence. She is healing well from her surgeries. Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee let us know that Bonnie Emmylou has been adopted and is in her new fur ever home. ![]() Justin - December 2020 - 7 year old male from Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee Justin Liberty came into rescue with upper respiratory infections which he had been treated for multiple times. The vet suspected a soft palate issue (elongated pallet) that was causing a big part of the issues with his breathing problems. Justin Liberty has had his surgery and they removed a huge amount of soft palate and made his nostrils bigger with a laser. He is breathing so much better and on his way to a great recovery and soon fur ever home. ![]() CeCe - December 2020 - 10 year old female from Mid West Boston Terrier Rescue As with most of the pups in rescue, we do not know the whole story, but CeCe was with an over the road truck driver for a year and he could no longer take care of her. When she came to rescue, it was apparent that she had lost her vision. The vet confirmed that her eye had ruptured and was never treated, causing her pain. Her other eye had a corneal ulcer and the drops were no longer helping. CeCe has had enucleation surgery and is recuperating in her foster home. She loves car rides and her personality is really starting to show. Even with no vision. She is thriving in her new environment ![]() Enxo - December 2020 - 2 weekold male from Mid West Boston Terrier Rescue Little tiny Enzo came into rescue weighing all but 4 ounces. At 5 days old he was surrendered having a cleft pallet. Sweet Enzo is with a wonderful SPDR foster home that has experience with tube feedings and is providing the ultimate in care for him. He is now weighing all of 7.1 ozs. Little Enzo has a long way to go before his little body can handle the surgery. UPDATE - Dece,ber 22, 2020 - It is with a heavy heart that we received news from Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue that little Enzo has crossed over to the rainbow bridge. Sweet Enzo was such a little fighter but his tiny body just could not hang on. The amazing foster home tried everything including CPR for quite some time, but it was just not enough. Sometimes, in these delicate situations you just never know what the outcome will be. Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue and all involved are so devastated by his loss. He was such a fighter. Rescue did their best and Enzo did, too. For those that have donated to Enzo's care, Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue is much appreciative of every donation. And rest assured, your donations matter. We all know rescue is hard, especially when it involves such major medical issues. Your support for Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington, gives the ability to assist rescues and rescues the ability to give all these precious souls a fighting chance. Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington gives their deepest condolences on the loss of little Enzo. Thank you for supporting us and for believing in Enzo ![]() Dozer - October 2020 - 9 month old male from Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue Dozer is a 9 month old puppy that was an owner surrender. His family made the difficult decision to surrender Dozer due to his mounting medical bills. Almost from the moment they adopted Dozer, it was like they were watching him die, he was so ill. After coming into MWBTR's care, he was rushed to the vet. It was found he had, what they believed to be, a growth on his intestines. It had burst and he was becoming septic. He went into surgery and it appears to have been successful and he made it through the first night. Dozer is making slow but steady progress post-surgery. His blood tests are showing improvement and he's starting to show his little puppy personality! He'll be back for a checkup in a few weeks and we're hopeful he'll be able to come off some of the meds he's currently on. UPDATE - December 21, 2020 - It is with a heavy heart that we received news from Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue that little Dozer did not make it. Little Dozer got another tear in his intestines. The lining was just so thin, and they were not able to save him. What's even more devastating is that he was slowly but steadily improving and they had such high hopes for him. Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue and all involved are so devastated by his loss. He was such a fighter. Rescue did their best and Dozer did, too. We all know rescue is hard, especially when it involves such major medical issues. Your support gives Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington the ability to assist rescues and rescues the ability to give all these precious souls a fighting chance. Thank you for supporting us and for believing in Dozer. ![]() Winston - October 2020 -10 year old male from Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee Winston, a sweet boy, came into rescue suffering from Cushing’s, heartworm and glaucoma with a probable rupture of his left eye which required immediate removal. His poor eye had a tremendous amount of infection in it. His surgery went well, he continues his meds for Cushing’s and heartworm and is already feeling like a new man. He will continue his treatments and one day be ready for his fur ever home as a special needs senior boy. ![]() Jax - September 2020 - 7 year old male from Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue Inc Sweet Jax is aprox 7 years of age and came into rescue with Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue Inc. and was diagnosed with Lymphoma. Jax is such a love. He is always eager for attention of any kind, especially a belly rub! Chemo treatments have been going well with minimal side effects and maximum benefit. UPDATE - November 14, 2020 - Jax is doing well overall. The Dr. still says that he is in remission. At his appointment Friday they told us his bone marrow counts are low so they put him on antibiotics and are delaying his next chemo treatment by a week to give him time to recover. UPDATE - October 15, 2020 - Jax had bloodwork done today. His counts were on the lower side but still within safe range to start Procarbazine that he will take for 2 weeks. Every time I take him to the oncologist they tell us how much everyone adores him. He really is such a charmer. UPDATE: October 12, 2020 - He is such a love. He’s always eager for attention of any kind, especially a belly rub! Chemo treatments have been going well with minimal side effects and maximum benefit. Words are simply not enough to express our gratitude for your generosity that has made treatment possible. . ![]() Jules - September 2020 -10 year old female from Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue Poor sweet Jules came into rescue with a very large mammary tumor that became infected and required immediate surgery. Thanks to MWBTR they got her in immediately for surgery to remove the tumor and proper antibiotic regimen that saved her life. We are so happy that Jules got the care she needed and has been adopted into her loving fur ever home. ![]() Paisley - August 2020 -12 week old female from Midwest Boston Terrier Rescue Paisley came into rescue with what's called a PDA Patent Ductus Arteriosus. An opening in the heart between the two major blood vessels that usually close after birth. Paisley received the much needed surgery to fix this and is feeling better than ever. ![]() Scarlet Ruby - August 2020 - 5 year old female from Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee Scarlet Ruby came into rescue as a 5 year old who was having once a month seizures. 3 days after her spaying she began having cluster seizures and had to spend 2 ½ days in emergency care. Scarlet Ruby's seizures are now stabilized so that she can find her fur ever home. . ![]() Doc - August 2020 - 9 year old male from American Boston Terrier Rescue and Rehab Doc came to us last week during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Originally found as a stray who wandered into an ER, he was taken in by a kind nurse who tried to find his family. He wasn't microchipped and despite her efforts, she couldn't find his family. The kind nurse wasn't able to keep Doc so a friend agreed to take him and get him the medical attention he needed for his eyes. All was well until Doc's new mom lost her job and home. She loved sweet Doc, but had to move in with family and she was unable to take Doc with her. She reached out to rescue to find Doc a safe haven. Doc was treated by our rescue vet and a vet Opthamologist and we were able to save this right eye. His left eye was unable to be saved and it was removed. We are happy to report Doc is doing great and adjusting well. ![]() Brinnie Liberty - July 2020 -7 year old male from Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee Brinnie Liberty came into rescue after being kept in a pen his entire life. He suffered from having stenotic nares and an elongated soft palate which interfered with his breathing when exited. Brinnie Liberty underwent the surgeries to correct his issues and is now on his way to his new fur ever home. ![]() Buddy - August 2020 - 5 year old male from Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida Buddy came into rescue needing emergency treatment. He had serious infection and the right side of his heart was enlarged, causing fluid to collect in his heart and lungs, he was on oxygen and being treated by cardiologist. It is with a sad heart that the rescue was informed that Buddy was having a severe time breathing to the point that he was suffering so much. The heartbreaking decision was made to let him go peacefully. Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington gives there deepest condolences to the Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida and to all who gave Buddy the best care possible. ![]() Sophie - July 2020 - 2 year old female from Crossed Paws Rescue Sweet Sophie is all of two years old and has had a rough go of it. She came into Crossed Paws Rescue as an owner surrender, so she could get the care she needed. Diagnosed with H-pylori bacteria which is affecting her small intestine causing hardening and IBD, she has an enlarged bowel and several lesions in her stomach from the bacteria. Sophie also had a luxating patella surgery and had to have a tail amputation as it was broken in 3 places. She truly has been through hell and back and through all of this, she is the most loving and sweet dog. Sophie has struggles ahead but Crossed Paws Rescue believes she is on her way to recovery and healing and then off to find her forever home for a long and happy life. Update August 2020 Sophie is doing soooooooooooo good. I am so thankful and so happy. Her acupuncture and tincture have allowed her to almost be completely off steroids. She’s off all other meds at this time. We have never made this kind of progress in the time that we have been treating her. Dr Gabriel has made such a huge difference in her life. She’s also getting water therapy to strengthen her leg and knee from luxating patella surgery. She’s finally living life like she should be!!! Thank you so much for all the help and support. ![]() Maxx - April 2020 - 3 year old male from Northeast Boston Terrier Rescue Maxx came into rescue underweight by at least 10 pounds. He was ravenously hungry, but within 10 minutes of eating he would get diarrhea. His food appeared undigested suggesting it was not going through his digestive system. Maxx needed a diagnosis and an ultrasound showed abnormalities in his colon and the beginning of his intestines. Originally Maxx was treated for parasites in hopes that surgery could be avoided. Unfortunately, he did not respond as the doctors had hoped and he underwent surgery on Monday, June 15th. The doctors took 5 different biopsies and we are hoping for some answers next week. BTRWW sends their prayers for little Maxx and hope he finds his fur ever home. ![]() Duke - May 2020 - Northeast Boston Terrier Rescue While in foster care with Northeast Boston Terrier Rescue, Duke had a large mass cell on his spleen which had to be removed. Duke had his surgery, however, 5 days post op Duke was still not feeling himself. His foster mom took him to the vet and it turned out that his red blood levels were very low requiring a transfusion. Duke's amazing foster brother "Puppers", made the donation! That is so amazing. BTRWW prays for a speeding recovery for Duke and on to his loving fur ever home. ![]() Fly - April 2020 - spayed female from MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue Fly came to MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue as a breeder release that arrived terrified. While in her foster care she was working on healing from her spay and dental along with gaining her confidence. A few days later she had entered the living room with her incision torn open and her intestines exposed. She was having a hard time refraining from chewing herself. Fly was immediately taken to the vet where emergency surgery was performed. She then finished the weekend in urgent care. She is recovering and will be in loving foster care until ready for her fur ever home. ![]() Minni Moo - March 2020 - is a 11 year old spayed female from Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennesee Minni Moo is one of a bonded pair fostered in Delaware. She had a bladder full of stones and her foster Mom traveled over 3 hours to have the surgery done by a vet known to her where she used to live. The bladder surgery was done as well as extraction of 5 rotten teeth and excision of a mast cell tumor the vet found on examination. All treatment was successful. ![]() Penny - March 2020 - is a 12 year old spayed female from Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue Penny came to Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue from Clovis, New Mexico and was diagnosed with an underlying kidney disease. Due to her age dental work was ruled out and she is able to lead a quality life with medications to support her kidneys. Penny will be a forever foster with Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue spending her days well loved with a retired teacher enjoying the garden. Penny Update 7-10-20 BTRWW would like to extend their deepest condolences to Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue - Mitzi Hobson foster parents and adopters. Dear sweet little Penny crossed over the Rainbow Bridge just a few days ago due to heart complications. ![]() Hercules White - March 2020 - is a 2 year old male from Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida Hercules was surrendered to a shelter after his owner passed away. BTRF resued him from the shelter but after bringing him into rescue, it was discovered that he had kennel cough, some black back teeth and an injured toe. Hercules needed to have 2 teeth extracted along with a thorough dental cleaning. While giving Hercules time to recover from kennel cough, he developed an abscessed tooth and a hematoma on his ear (Mostly likely from scratching his ear with the injured toe). Hercules White had his hematoma drained, a tooth extracted and his toenail was removed and bandaged. He should make a full recovery. His Foster mom says he is on pain meds and is being very clingy and super cuddly. Hercules White's Foster Mom says that he is the sweetest, most gentle loving sweetheart. He is very chill, and all he wants to do is give kisses and be right next to you at all times. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body. He has come so far in the time he has been in foster care. ![]() Zion King - March 2020 - is a 1 year old male from Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida Zion King was surrendered because he was seriously ill. His Foster Mom brought him to a local with vomiting, coughing, lethargic, and not eating. The vet you examined him referred him to a specialist, so she immediately drove 5 hours to get him to the University of Florida Vet School. He went in through emergency, was immediately hospitalized with IVs and fluids and was placed in isolation. Along with intestinal hookworms, the vet suspected that Zion had aspiration pneumonia or a viral pneumonia so they took x-rays and sent out samples to a lab to test for viruses. They were quarantined in a hotel awaiting results, which were all negative, allowing them to return home. THE GREAT NEWS IS that Zion is now doing much better. He is eating again but he still as a little bit of a cough. We are now feeling much more confident that the antibiotics and lots of foster love will help him to make a full recovery. ![]() Darcie - March 2020 - is from MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue Darcie came to MidAmerica Boston Terrier Rescue from a puppy mill and while in foster care it was identified she was struggling to breath. She needed a surgery to help repair her pallet which required repair and shortening. She also needed to have her nares widened also. This treatment helped little Darcie with her breathing, have a better quality of life and now find her fur ever home. ![]() Baby Girl - March 2020 - is AN 11 year old female from Maiagro Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida Babygirl came in from a good Samaritan. She was nearly blind and lost. She had diabetes and signs of Cushing's. Babygirl has had ongoing treatments that have now restored her vision, She is monitored each month and gets a complete blood panel every year. She is also seeing an ophthalmologist to ensure her vision remains it's best. The rescue was able to locate Babygirl's owner and now are partnering in her care. ! Baby Girl Update 8-10-20 BTRWW would like to extend their deepest condolences to Milagro Boston Terrier Rescue - Mitzi Hobson foster parents and adopters. Dear sweet little Baby Girl crossed over the Rainbow Bridge just a few days ago. ![]() Nicky Parm - March 2020 - is a 14.5 year old male from Boston Terrier Rescue of Florida Nicky Parm was surrendered by his owner on November 2019 because of blood in his stool and could not afford vet care. He was brought directly to the vet who determined that he had hookworms. Along with treating him for the intestinal worms, the vet brought him up to date on all vaccines and removed all of his teeth due to severe periodontal disease. Then Nicky ruptured his left eye was rushed to the closest vet who immediately brought him into surgery to remove his eye. Nicky's foster mom said that he is doing ok. He is slowly recovering from the anesthesia. Losing his eye is a big adjustment to him, especially since he has very poor sight in his remaining eye. He did have a good appetite this morning so that is a good sign! ![]() Maisy - February 2020 - is a 7 year old female from Arizona Boston Terrier Rescue Maisy was surrendered with her brother Melvyn after getting into fights with three other Boston Terriers in the home. Maisy has a cracked molar that requires removal along with a small growth on her right abdomen. with Dr. Carr at Follow Your Heart Animal Hospital on February 20th ![]() Jack - February 2020 - is a brindle and white 6 year old neutered male from Northeast Boston Terrier Rescue, Massachusetts Jack came in with weakness on his right side and was falling over unexpectedly. Northeast Boston Terrier Recsue arranged an immediate assessment. Jack's condition is being treated with exercise restriction and medication. My name is Jack and everyone says how handsome I am. They also get a kick out of my bark and say I sound like a squeak toy. ![]() Ellie Rose - January 2020 - is a 12 year old spayed female from Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee Ellie Rose came to Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee along with several other dogs from a home where the couple was getting a divorce. The rescue took in both of the Boston's. The other little girl is being adopted by her foster mom. (Oh how we love a foster failure) She is pretty much totally blind. Ellie Rose was in the roughest shape. She had dry eye syndrome, a benign tumor, suspected Cushing's disease and very poor skin and coat. Ellie Rose is getting the care she needs and ready to go to her new forever home. Boston Terrier Rescue of East Tennessee was also able to reach out and find a rescue to take a little Dachshund that was in the home.
Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington solely assists other 501C3 rescues and organizations that take in a dog needing medical care. The events that we hold in our fundraising group help these Bostons in need. Thank you for "Helping Us Help Others" by donating to Boston Terrier Rescue of Western Washington. | |